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1:17 a.m. - 2003-02-24
gothicmomy: mmmm......peeps

AiDpatient: peeps and twinkies

AiDpatient: yay

AiDpatient: food that doesnt have expiration dates

AiDpatient: go america

gothicmomy: i dont have any twinkies. only peeps.

gothicmomy: haha

gothicmomy: peeps get stale though

gothicmomy: twinkies are invincible i think

AiDpatient: they are. one day, twinkies and cockroaches will inherit the earth

gothicmomy: hahahaha

gothicmomy: they will live off each other

AiDpatient: eventually they will mate and have cream filled babies

gothicmomy: cockroaches are filled with a substance much like that of a twinkie already though, lol

AiDpatient: you know, they probably molecularly duplicated the substance, mass produced it in a science project gone wrong. and in a clever ploy to get rid of the toxins, marketed it to americans

gothicmomy: that must be why the filling in twinkies is shiney

AiDpatient: and all this time, i thought it was some heavely glow, some wonder to behold. years of worhip down the drain

gothicmomy: haha...its sad when your idols die

AiDpatient: its not sad when american idols die (yes i mean you kelly clarkson and half black, very white dude)


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