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8:36 p.m. - 2003-02-07
stupid people amuse me
I love finding stupid people on websites like and instant messaging them for my own amusement. i like to see how many people i can get to block me in one day. secretely im hoping to find people out there with a senses of humor, will it happen, no, probably not.heres a recent example.

AiDpatient: hey, i just saw your pic on face the jury, you are pretty damn hot - i would totally take advantage of you, vaginally or anally if you were passed out drunk or fucked up on roofies at a party. even if i had to wait in line, but id draw the line at being the 8th guy to ram you, its really not kosher and is just way too sloppy after 7.

bLoNdEe x cHiK: thanx

AiDpatient: no problem - figured my compliment might you know, raise the self esteem a few points and save you from an eating disorder

bLoNdEe x cHiK: lol..

AiDpatient: yeah so like, do a lot of people from FTJ ask you about your thoughts on global warming, american foreign policy and relations, nihilistic philosphy?

AiDpatient: cause people from there wont stop harrassing me

AiDpatient: its crazy

bLoNdEe x cHiK: loserr

AiDpatient: oh

AiDpatient: can i kill myself now?

AiDpatient: i have a webcam and ill set up a link if u want to watch

bLoNdEe x cHiK: no thanks

AiDpatient: well, watch yer mouth. i went to highschool with you, i know who you are and where you live. i am bigger and stronger than you,i could totally take you on in a fight. but id probably just stab you in the neck to avoid a struggle

bLoNdEe x cHiK: mhmm

AiDpatient: wow, you are a boring ass piece of conversation, you cant even think of anything to write in yer FTJ profile. you remind me of jack nicholson after he got a lobotomy in one flew over the cuckoos nest. but at least he had to have his brain physically removed to be such a fucking moron

AiDpatient: no offense

bLoNdEe x cHiK: um thanx.

AiDpatient: you really should put a pillow behind yer head while getting fucked, i heard a constant slamming into hard objects can cause brain damage over time

AiDpatient: you dont want to end up like mohammud ali - all shaking and cracked out

bLoNdEe x cHiK signed off at 8:24:09 PM.

Officially blocked, took the moron a while - i hate people, are you reading this - I HATE YOU TOO. god.

the non-responders are always amusing for some time to me too, because i know they are reading what i say and scratching their heads. her AIM/AOL sn is "BeautysAlwysCrul".

AiDpatient: you are a hot piece of meat to me. i look at you as a total sex object. i cant imagine you are a real person wtih real thoughts. you are a machine built for sex and anal and money shots and bukkaki parties

AiDpatient: maybe thats why beauty is "crul"

AiDpatient: fine, dont respond. this only serves to further my opinion or idea that you must be a destitute crack whore living to suck dick while undergoing double penetration. a thoughtless mindless being that researchers and anthroplogists would rather attempt to commumincate with Koko the monkey than you.

AiDpatient: some people sitting here in my position might wonder: maybe she is not at her computer, or, maybe she is being the better person and not responding to these meaningless accusations from a total stanger. some people are also as dumb as you though, actually, everyone is as dumb as you. i know you can not form a mere response, fine. i still love you, in a sick twisted, i need you, but you wont talk to me kind of way


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